Saving Time

Worked in a team of five with two artists, one writer, and one additional programmer to develop a simple story-driven RPG style game with a time-shifting mechanic. Developed in Unity, I primarily focused on designing systems for quests and sequencing, as well as supporting branching dialogue. Completed for the Global Game Jam in 2022, and later continued for a class project.

Role: Programmer

Sample Work - Dialogue System

The code included here is used to add dialogue to the game.

In order to achieve branching dialogue we used four different types of objects:

  1. Lines - These simply contain a string and a speaker. These are displayed in the chat panel and are the most commonly used.

  2. Actions - These trigger an event in the scene, as specified by the action object name that they are created with. An example of this is adding items to the inventory.

  3. Decisions - These have a list of options to choose between, and cause a branch in the dialogue where different conversations can continue from each of the options in the decision.

  4. Conversation - Effectively a linked list of Lines, Actions, and Decisions, as well as possibly other conversations. A conversation is loaded into the dialogue UI when a character speaks, and can be built in the Unity Editor for easy additions.